Life Coach, Business Coach, executive coach, personal development, imposter syndrome, self awareness
I’m naturally curious. I’m energised by understanding people and relationships.
My career has always been about people. I realised early on that my passion and my strength is helping others to deliver and reach their full potential, it was also key to my success. Whether it’s been leading operational functions, managing strategic transformation, or developing leaders as an HR and OD business partner, enabling others has always been at the heart of my work. This path led me to completing a Masters in Psychological Coaching from Metanoia Institute in London.
We all play countless roles. Over the years I’ve been a mother, daughter, wife, sister, aunt, friend, colleague and boss. But our ‘personal’ and ‘professional’ lives are closely intertwined. For example, my battle with infertility had a real impact on how I showed up at work and how I was in relationship with others.
I have learnt that, irrespective of our level of seniority, the organisation which we work for, or the situation in which we find ourselves, we all face challenges and opportunities at work and all need time and space to grow.
I now live in Surrey, England with my family. My fertility journey was eventually a success: I’m now a proud mum of two very energetic red-headed boys! They keep me busy when I’m not coaching.
I’d love to learn more about you and where you want to get to.